British Sugarcraft Guild - South East Area

How to Join
By becoming a member of the Guild you benefit from:
* Attending any branch demonstration or workshop by paying a visitors fee.
* Joining a local branch to attend demonstrations and workshops at members' prices.
* Four BSG newsletters this includes national events, meetings, exhibitions, photos and other items of interest.
* Networking: the BSG runs courses where you can learn skills and make friends with like minded people.
* Insurance: As a BSG member you can opt to take out Public Liability Cake Insurance. It is good value, details can
be found at
* Discounts: Some traders and websites offer discounts for BSG members, so do ask.
* Facebook where you can see what the Area and branches are doing and what live and online events are coming up.
* Facebook Sugarcraft Lounge, exclusive area for all Guild members to exchange ideas, share knowledge, ask
advice, display photo's and monthly "Live in the Lounge". Giving members the opportunity to see demonstrations
from other Areas.

Peek Freans Cake made by members of the
South East Area and displayed at the 2019 Exhibition
There are five ways to become a member:
Branch Member - £28.00 per year (from 1st April) £14.00 half year (from 1st October)
Membership of the BSG is open to everyone with an interest in sugarcraft whatever their skills, from complete novices to experts. At branch meetings you can watch demonstrations of various skills and techniques, socialise with other members and have the opportunity to take part in branch events. The branches charge a fee to cover hall hire, demonstrators fees, overheads etc. These fees vary from branch to branch.
If there isn't a branch in your area why not consider opening one. Support can be given to you by your regional reps and national office.
NOTE: A branch member can also join other branches as an associate member, where they just pay the branch fees as national fees have already been paid.
Individual Member - £28.00 per year (from 1st April) £14.00 half year (from 1st October)
This is available to those who may be unable to attend branch meetings or do not wish to join a branch. You can still visit any branch at any time and simply pay the branch visitor's fee.
International Member - £34.00 per year (from 1st April) £17.00 half year (from 1st October)
We are delighted to include so many enthusiasts from around the world. If you live outside the UK why not become an international member? (Due to your overseas residential status we are not able to offer our special rates of insurance). Members in their own countries would need to look to open their own branches, this is beyond our control, but support can be offered.

Gravesend Branch achieved a Gold Award at our
Cake & Sugarcraft show 2022
Cygnets Member - £5.00 per year
This category is designed to attract and encourage younger members. Cygnet groups start at varying ages and include children from an early age to young adults of eighteen years. They are the future of the Guild and as there are limited Cygnet groups in the region, several branches welcome individual cygnets to attend adult meetings. The age limit varies from branch to branch, although an average is around 13 years.
Use the contact form to obtain full information from the branch secretary.
Honorary Member - By invitation only
To achieve this prestigious status you must have performed significantly in the interests of the Guild. You are nominated to national committee by a branch, individual(s) or national committee themselves.
Fees pay for:
Training judges and demonstrators, branch public liability insurance for monthly meetings and exhibition insurance, payment for one national office administrator, website, Facebook including the sugarcraft lounge, live in the lounge demonstrations, BS News and exhibitions, mileage @30p a mile for national committee for national meetings.
Unfortunately South East Area is unable to process membership applications for the British Sugarcraft Guild. Please click the link for national office who will be happy to assist you. Applications for membership made in March and April can take longer to process due to the volume of renewals and new joiners received at that time.
Thank you for your patience.