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Some Branches run children's groups known as Cygnets; where children and young adults up to the age of 18 can learn different cake decorating techniques. All our leaders and helpers are volunteers who are DBS checked.

The National Cygnets Representative produces a quarterly Cygnets' newsletter which is emailed out to the leaders

or Individual Cygnet members to keep them updated. If you have any skills files or branch photos that you wish to

be included in the Cygnet newsletter please contact national office.

Bognor Regis

Meets 4 times a year

(March, June, September

& November)

Meets at:

Jubilee Hall, Elmer Road,

Middleton on Sea,

PO22 6EH


Leader: Jackie Freeman

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1st Saturday in the month 9.30am

Meets at:

St Andrews Hall,

Surrenden Road, Cheriton, Folkestone,


CT19 4DY


Leader: Dot Millard

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2nd Saturday in the month 9.30am-11.30am

Age 9 year old and over.

Meets at:

Speen Village Hall

    Speen Lane


  RG14 1RG


Leader: Louise Embling

2016 Newburry Cygnets 7.JPG
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Branch entrance fees differ from group to group and are around £5 but an extra fee may be requested for materials. Meetings last for around 2 hours. Most groups have equipment that can be shared until you decide if you wish to buy. 

Please Click here to connect with a cygnet leader and include the group name, your age and a contact phone number.


Items useful as Christmas and birthday presents: workbox to keep equipment in, apron, non stick rolling board, non stick rolling pin, ball tool, dresden tool, paint brushes, a sharp knife (age dependant), cocktail sticks. As you progress  you may want piping tubes/nozzles and other items. Your leaders can recommend items that you will find useful.


Gill Edley is our Area Cygnet representative. She is happy to aid branches opening a cygnet group and arrange DBS checks for helpers, via the contact page.

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